
Jeremiah Liend is Q.

His new book is available now.

Jeremiah Liend.

Artist, scientist, cyberprophet, Jeremiah Liend has blazed a Gonzo path over everything he has achieved. Whether as a theater and film producer, a prolific author, or as a professional, Jeremiah has laid waste to any notion of failure. He calls you to join him in his noble quest to free the mindslaves, upend all government, and bring the future to today in vibrant 4D. Read him, if you dare. Listen, if you can. Behold, if you are able, the swan song Jeremiad to which we dance within our Apocalypse.

“This is word cancer.”

-Twitter User

“A rant of obscenities.”

-Bonnie Kaczmarek

"It's easy to draw a line from the raving biblical Jeremiah who saw signs of End Times in the shadows of social decay to Jeremiah T. Liend, the Jeremiah of tomorrow today, a real Jeremiah's Jeremiah. They both have the same name, they both fight the oncoming Apocalypse with gonzo sci-fi prophecy-satire, and nobody reads either."

-Mark Solhazey

New Book Out Now

The year is 2400. Half a century ago the Earth War was fought between the Alliance of Free Survivalists and the last remaining members of the Swashbucklers Guild, led by secret agent Q. The planet was saved after great struggle and at terrible cost. Now new enemies and great powers seek their revenge, universal annihilation, and an eternity of darkness. Q must once again resurrect and assemble his allies to strike back at the home world of the Alliance: Mars.




The Book of Q

300 years in the future The Alliance of Free Survivalists has returned to Earth to claim it for their children. It will mean eliminating the remaining life on Earth. Stanley Stenerson, a defector from The Alliance refuses to go down without a fight. Stanley enlists the aid of Agent Q, one of the last members of the Swashbucklers Guild, an army of swordsman secret agents who have lived to witness these strange days. In the blasted wasteland of the apocalypse Q gathers a handful of Agents to defend the mutated and irradiated inhabitants of Earth from utter annihilation. But will their war be able to stop the most powerful army in the galaxy? Not if Tom Cruise has anything to say about it.


The Pulitzer Trilogy

A collection of three plays written, produced, and performed by Jeremiah Liend over the course of as many years. 21st Century Play, Four Garys, and P.A.P.P.i.D are individually tragicomic Jeremiads against broken worlds, and collectively nearly 175 pages of crap theater.

Jeremiah Liend For Everything

This volume is a madcap collection of personal and academic writing ranging in topics such as theater, politics, futuresports, and more. Perhaps most importantly it chronicles the development of a new type of performance art: Gonzo Theater.